"10 Things I Want My Husband to Know... and How to Tell Him," is an excellent book. Every chapter will hold your attention. It has pertinent information that wives need to know and then DO. Written by Annie Chapman, a wife of 30 years who uses the scriptures and the lives of other women to provide insight on your OWN marriage. There were several chapters that really touched me personally. The following were:
- Chapter 9 : I Respect Him. This is a BIG issue to men. In fact, this chapter is written to the point that you WILL understand how important RESPECT is to a man.
In the book, a brief letter from a husband to his wife clearly states what RESPECT is to him. He writes, the way you have accepted and loved my family and my heritage, the unwavering devotion you have shown to caring for our two children( and now their mates and kids), how you tend to our home and house, and the sweat you have invested in caring for the material things we steward, are signs of your respect for me. Your encouraging comments about the work I do and how you faithfully stand beside me as a co-laborer, your acceptance of the play I enjoy, your carefulness with money and the way you share my disdain for debt-these things tell me you respect me.
- Chapter 3: I Am Sexually Available to Him. Wives should not withhold sex from their spouses. It is a commandment from the Word.
- Chapter 7: I Will Support and Embrace His Hobbies and Friends. Wives need to support their husbands' hobbies and friends. It is important to men for their wives to spend time with them while they are engaging in their hobbies. It is also important for wives to let their husbands have some solitude. Men need time apart from work and their wives.
It reminds me of my ex-husband wanting me to watch TV with him, ride the four-wheeler with him and other outside activities. But, I was not interested. After reading all this information, I NOW understand the importance of doing this with him. It would have made him feel valued. Also, we need to encourage our husbands to develop and seek friendship with godly men who love God.
- Chapter 5: I Admire the Way He Provides for Our Family: The culprit that brings most couples to a divorce is MONEY. Therefore, make an effort as a wife to support your husband in "making a life" and not in making a killing". Help him in any way possible to save money, cut expenses and create financial freedom for the future. Years ago, when a couple purchased a home, it was their intentions to live in that home until they died. However, today, couples are calling them "starter homes". Families have multiple cars and garages. Some spend thousands of dollars on plastic utensils instead of doing the dishes. Not to mention, the cost of eating out. Wives tell your husbands that you appreciate them. And, please work together to control debt. This will alleviate some overspending, emotionally and spiritually neglect. What an insightful chapter this is!
- Chapter 2: I Acknowledge Him as the God-Appointed Leader of Our Family: I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter because it discussed submission. Submission is something that a lot of women have a problem with. Yet, this chapter examines that submitting to your husband is actually submitting to God. It means to "serve with a positive motive for the Lord's sake, to voluntarily serve out of a willing spirit. The wife's purpose is to be a helper to her husband. They are to work together as one.
A wonderful illustration in the book is of two horses. The winner horse pulled 4,500 pounds. The first runner-up pulled 4,000 pounds. But when harnessed together the two horses pulled over 12,000 pounds. In the same way, husband and wife are much stronger, more able,and much more profitable when they pull together. It is completely opposite of being enslaved or dominated. It creates order in the family. The order designated by God is not about value or worth but order. As every well-functioning organization has to have a chain of command so does the family.
Make an opportunity to read this book and see how life-changing this will be in your life!