Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Real Message

Today's Seeking Him Devotional with Nancy Leigh DeMoss

As the Christmas season was approaching one year, I talked with a woman whose husband was in bondage to some destructive, sinful behavior. I’d been meditating on the message delivered by the angel Gabriel to Mary. He said, “You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

I encouraged this wife, “Remember that Jesus came to save your husband from his sin.” The story of Christmas brings hope to real-world situations. “Joy to the world” is more than just a Christmas cliché. It’s the real message of a real Savior born to solve real problems.

Are you facing problems this season that threaten to outweigh your joy? Don’t forget that the ultimate solution to these problems is the Savior who came to rescue us from sin and lead us into a right relationship with God. So turn to the only one who can provide true peace.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

He's Just Not That Into You

I am re-visiting this book which came out in 2004. If you are wondering, if a guy is really into YOU. I suggest that you read this book and you will be shocked to learn that we make excuses for guys when they give us the cold shoulder. Pay attention to what they are doing instead of what they are saying. Here is a synopsis from Publishers Weekly:

It’s a classic single-woman scenario: you really like this guy, but he’s giving mixed messages. You make excuses, decide he’s confused, afraid of commitment. Behrendt, a former executive story editor for Sex and the City—and a formerly single (now happily married) guy who knows all the excuses—provides a simple answer: he’s just not that into you. Stop kidding yourself, let go and look for someone else who will be. After all, as Behrendt sensibly puts it, "if a (sane) guy really likes you, there ain’t nothing that’s going to get in his way." If you’re not convinced yet, by all means read this smart, funny and surprisingly upbeat little book, full of q’s and a’s covering every excuse woman has ever made to avoid admitting to herself that a man just wasn’t that smitten with her.