Friday, October 23, 2009


Another great minute from MarriageVine Ministries!!!

Excerpt: When two people are talking at the same time, no one is listening. Consequently, there is no communication. FOR CONVERSATIONS TO BE MEANINGFUL IT REQUIRES TALKING AND LISTENING.

WOW!! Is this hard for some of us to DO? Evidently it is because I find myself talking and not listening. Just recently, I discovered that if I had listened to my friend concerns about his aging mother, I would have understood why spending time with his family is so important when he comes home. He left home for college at the age of 18 and has not returned since for an extended period of time. Actually, it has been since 1992 and every time he comes home he says, " I can see that my mom has aged". After he communicated this to me, I had so much sympathy for him because I get to see my mom everyday. Sometimes, we need to put ourselves in the other person shoes to understand.

So, once again, I urge YOU to listen because it can lead to understanding.