Thursday, August 21, 2008


I have always enjoyed reading but some books are more difficult to read than others. Books in literature are the most challenging. Yet, this book written by Susan Wise Bauer, a professor at the College of Williams and Mary in Virginia, presents some strategies to get through any genre. She shares the art of reading.

Susan boldy expresses the view that the inability to read through literature is not about mental indequacy but perhaps a lack of knowing how to prepare for the book.

What I am enjoying the most about this book is the annotated list. This is giving me an opportunity to read some books that I otherwise would not.

"A well-trained mind is the result of application, not inborn genius."


Have you been searching for a good book to read?

Look no more because I have the perfect book for you. Do you want to be encouraged & motivated? If so, you need to read this book by Harold Kushner, "Overcoming Life's Disappointment". I could not put the book down when I started reading it. In fact, I read it to many of my friends. It was a topic of conversation for weeks.The book is written about the many challenges and disappointments of Moses. Many aspects of his life were examined and explained for our benefits.

Kushner writes, Moses triumphs were spectacular, but his frustrations and disappointments must have been searing. How did he do what he did? What depth of faith enabled him to cope with the disappointments? What can we learn from his story so that we too can do meaningful things in our own lives? "Will we, like Moses, be able to hear the commanding voice of God in the bleakest of surroundings, summoning us to be more than we ever thought we could and promising to be with us as we try to do that? And will we, like Moses, have the devotion to pick up the broken pieces of our most cherished dreams and carry them with us as we face our future?"

If you are looking for a book to help you deal successfully with disappointments in your life, try this book. Through the life of Moses, Kushner proves that we can overcome life's disappointments. This book is inspiring and offers spiritual wisdom.
What's so GREAT about this writer is his ability to simplify life for us. Life is not that complicated if we stop relying upon ourselves.



God should fix my problems since I am a servant of his.

My sin is not really that bad.

I can make it without consistent time in the Word and prayer.

I have to have a husband to be happy.

If my circustmances were different, I would be different.

These are some lies that many of us have been taught and we believe them. However, with spritual insight from a spiritual woman, we could be free from these myths. It's Nancy Leigh DeMoss!

She is a Christian and she speaks the truth to women. I heard about this book at a Familylife Conference, last year. From the very beginning to the ending, this book freed me from some lies that I believed. In many areas, I am free from that twisted way of thinking. I realize that I am nothing without God in my life. It is he who knows what is best for me so I allow him to guide me and not SELF. Take a look at what she covers about God, Sin, Priorities, Marriage, Children, Emotions, and Circumstances.


Here is a great read which is brief and concise. I know what you are thinking...she is single. Well, I am preparing for the future. Also, it is a great reminder for couples who have been married for years or even newlyweds who need guidance. Of course, nothing takes the place of God's Word, the Bible.

Readers, marriage consist of much more than a pretty white dress , a handsome mate, and a fabulous honeymoon. It is about a commitment between two people that are binded by Jehovah God. Yet, today, couples don't take marriage seriously. If things are not working as expected, then divorce is the ONLY option. How sad that those vows were only conditonal!

So, when you get a chance, read a chapter and you will enjoy it. Something just came to my mind about a lady who wanted her husband to change. Change started with her prayers and then her mate changed by means of her conduct. It is imperative that we realize that each person has a part in creating harmony within a marriage. It is all about TEAMWORK.

This book offers you helpful hints on how to listen CAREFULLY, ACCEPT differences, COMPLIMENT daily, and much more. Remember, everything in life has to be maintained in order to work properly and that includes a marriage.


Take your time and discover who you are, do not limit yourself to a type of man or woman, get healthy yourself first in order to attract someone worth keeping, be yourself from the beginning, and set boundaries and do not SETTLE.

Single men and women, please pay attention! Dating is not about marriage. It is a process of getting to yourself and others without any romantic involvment.Romantic involvement clouds the process of getting to know the real person. In fact, this is one of the reasons that we are constantly dating but not finding a real KEEPER.

As a divorcee, it is a challenge to get back into the dating scene after a broken heart. Not to mention, that the rules of dating has changed alot.This book, "How to Get a Date Worth Keeping, " was written by Dr. Henry Cloud, a Christian, after he heard some single, attractive, and successful women talking about having a lack of dates. He discovered that most of these women went the same places every day which turned into the same places for a whole YEAR. How can you meet someone under these circumstances? In this book, he challenges YOU to go on many dates and suggest that you (THE WOMEN) initate the conversations.

After reading this book, I discovered that we have unrealistic expectations of others which are needs that we should meet for ourselves. To end, for some of us, it is our preferences that are preventing us from finding a date worth keeping.