Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Have You Ever Wondered If You Married The Wrong Person?

Pastor Bob Moeller is not a licensed psychologist or marriage therapist. However,he is a Pastor-at-Large with MarriageVine Ministries, a ministry designed to help couples remain consistently in the vine of Jesus Christ.

Here is his opinion on this if you are wrestling with this thought!!

It’s not uncommon when couples are struggling with their marriage to wonder if you made the right choice when you got married. Doubts such as these are normal and natural and are usually temporary in nature and pass on. There are clearly situations in Scripture where we are told not to marry certain people (such as the result of an adulterous affair or where one person is a believer and the other is not). Assuming that’s not the case, let’s look at how you can put an end to the nagging idea you married the wrong person.

You can find peace of mind and relief from your stress by going back to one of the most basic teachings of the Bible: God is in control of our lives (the technical word is sovereignty). That means nothing happens in life without God’s permission or ultimate say in the matter. Let’s get to the place where the Bible speaks directly to your worry that you married the wrong person found in Genesis chapter 2, “Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man (verse 22).” Did you catch that? God Himself fashioned, designed, and created the very first wife for the very first man. The Creator of the Universe created the very first woman exactly with Adam in mind (and vice versa).

Which brings me to my first prescription: Stop repeating the thought you married the wrong person and instead three times a day thank God for creating the person you married just as He did. You can relax and take comfort in the fact that God, in His infinite wisdom and love, designed and fashioned the person you married with you in mind (and vice versa).

This leads me to my second prescription: Whenever you are assaulted by doubts that you married the wrong person, stop and repeat these simple words, “And God brought her to the man.” Do this each and every time you struggle with doubts and you will find yourself looking at your mate in a whole way. “So this really is the person God had in mind in me…” will replace the ugly and discouraging thought you are mismatched and in the wrong marriage. Again, the basic biblical truth behind this prescription for peace of mind is this: God is sovereign. That means He is in complete control of all the events of our lives, including who you married.

Even if you are going through a difficult time in your relationship, you can rest in the fact Jesus Christ is directing the course of your lives – past, present and future.

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